Aimeé Pérez rescues with her oils the classic tradition of portrait while communicating, at the same time, the expressions and most profound feelings reflected in the subjects of her work. Her attention to detail forces a second glimpse, since objects are so real you want to touch them.
As a self-taught artist she has developed a technique of her own employing the finest brushes and very thin layers of pigmentation, that mesh the colors with the canvas in a unique and natural way. She never goes back to correct a trace and since her oils dry very quickly, that forces her to paint without interruptions entire sections of her paintings.
For Aimeé our expressions reveal what we conceal. “If you investigate enough, the depths of reason and sentiment emerge”. That is why in the eyes of her “Sannyasa” we may join to the “Quest” for enlightenment, share the yearning of “Tía Natividad”, or stand next to her “On the edge”…
With all, Aimeé offers us a different focus on reality; those things that go unseen, that we have forgotten or are simply assumed. With paintings like “Julian”, “Perpetua” or “There is no greater love…”, the artist reminds us those who once were among us and gave us an example of the highest values, integrity and unparalleled surrender; as well as those whose personal struggles carried them to meet their own death. In her paintings, the historical stories of these people come to life and invite us to a more careful study.
Aimeé’s work has gone through Canada, United States and México, sharing with us her particular way of appreciating reality.
The artist lives and paints in La Paz, BCS, México.